These buttons will take you to the most significant events in the Carrier Doves life. Groundings have been left out for the time being.
~~MARINE INTELLIGENCE.; NEW-YORK....TUESDAY, Jan. 31. Cleared. Arrived. Sailed. By Telegraph. Miscellaneous. Spoken, &c. Published: February 1, 1860 Steamship Florida, Crowell, Savannah, S.L. Mitchill & Co. Ship Carrier Dove, (clip.) Montell, San Francisco, W.T. Coleman & Co SAN FRANCISCO, Monday, April 18. Sailed, ship Carrier Dove. for Callao. The steamer Orizaba, from Panama, brings letters from Acapulco to the 8th inst. Items of American Interest from Chili. Published: November 5, 1860
~~~~Published: December 21, 1862 Brig Glanara, from Carleton, dismasted. Brig C.H. Kennedy, -- (By pilot-boat Mary Ann. Ship Carrier Dove, Trask, Liverpool Nov. 10. Bark Frenead, (Norw.,) Larson, London and Deal Nov. 2. Bark Mercey Ellen. Bark C.W. Poultney, Johnson, Belfast Oct. 31. Brig Brincess Alice, (Br.)
Above was probably the last time she docked.
From the New York Times:
~~MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Published: January 4, 1860 NEW-YORK....TUESDAY, Jan. 3. The clipper-ship Carrier Dove was, this morning taken on the large sectional dock for repairs. She will be stripped, recaulked and newly coppered.
~~January 24, 1860 ~~CITY INTELLIGENCE.; SHIPPING TRADE TO CALIFORNIA--There are at present only three ships on the berth in this port for San Francisco, which is the smallest number that has been advertised for the Golden State during the last ten years. This falling off in the demand for ships is due in partto the increase of facilities for the transportation of the valuable and lighter descriptions of freight by the way of Panama, but mainly to the overstocked condition of the California market, in all descriptions of Eastern manufactures. A large portion of mere randon shipments to California, heretofore made with the hope of "hitting a good market," is given up, and the present business is of a legitimate kind, intended to supply accruing wants among the established mercantile houses. The clipper-ship Carrier Dove, of W.T. COLEMAN & Co.'s line, has been receiving cargo for about one week, and is already about two-thirds full. She is a Boston-built ship*, of good reputation, and has made several rapid and successful passages to and from the Pacific. Capt. MONTELL has been in command for nearly three years. She is to sail about the 28th inst. The Mary L. Sutton, of SUTTON & Co.'s dispatch line, is also on the berth, advertised
* Though I am certain this is "our" Carrier Dove this 19th century reporter is referring to, she was actually built in Baltimore. to sail about the same time. The only other ship is the Polynesian, advertised by R.M. COOLEY, to sail to-day.